Rainy Days

August 20, 2007

Apparently while typing this message my mouse cursor is moving on its own accord from the right to the left all by itself, weird....

I had a dream which woke me up. Im no sure of the sequence but here goes.

Im at someone's house and Im fixing up some toy figurines (like lego) and this friend of mine keeps coming in the room and throwing a ball or something and makes the pieces go everywhere. Thats okay, I fix things up again. And he comes in and does it again, and I fix it again. This happens, not once, not twice but five times. Im pretty patient, even in my dream.

This is when I slap my friend, and then he gets pissed off. This is when it gets weird, the friend's who I slap is the same character who thru the ball into the lego, but he is a different person now, but in the dream I still regard him as the one who messed up the lego on purpose. He tries to slap me back but apparently I dodge. I then have a brief talk with Esther about it (in the dream) about whats goin on, and in the next scene Im on a boat.

The waters are icy cold and there are numerous massive epic looking pillars which come out of the sea. On the pillars is a wide road like surface which has ramps with inclines so you can jump to the the next 'slide'.I think you were meant to ski across? On the middle of the pillar is another mode of transport where persons are on a roller coaster like machine flying from pillar to pillar. Just when our boat reaches near one, we see one of these roller coasters try to make a jump, but in the front theres fat dude and the jump..well, falls short.

THe ppl land on a small island of ice like 10 feet in front of us. On the island there is a couple of weird monsters ( I think they were green) which started to pick these these ppl up. Then we on the boat started to take pictures like: Wow this is so gonna go on youtube!

We forget that the monsters are pretty close and they catch us. The confiscate our cameras....lol.
I remember looking at my empty black leather camera case in dismay.

Next scene I'm in some holding facility in the courtyard, I guess we got caught. But here I'm thinking it was cause I slapped my friend that I'm in jail. Then suddenly some white coloured midget man passes me a cloth which has two stones inside it and runs off when a guards sees him. The guards asks to see turnover what I find. I remove the first stone praying it would be of some use. It appears to be a white stone which turns into a leaf with some white snow like material on it. A small goat appears from the bushes and eats some of the snow. Somehow I get on the small little goat, and it runs me to safety out of the gates (somehow I knew to get off and open the gates inwards instead of ramming thru it, in which it would not open!).

Next scene. The goat has disappeared and I'm running. I feel thru the cloth and find the second stone, its a white 8-sided stone with strange gold writings on it. Must be useful for later. I reach this underground car park and get a feeling I have been there before in a previous dream. Deja vu? Maybe. I see two ppl hurdled there who I think escaped when I did. I call out to them to help me, one of them is Helen from my university! Lol..so random.

Suddenly Im at this keyboards trying to open the secret passage way. It has three sets of keys. For three passwords you have to enter all correctly. I seem to know the answer but keep hitting the wrong buttons. The date 4th or 14th of Mar 1984 seems to be the answer. So the first keypad should be 1-4-t-h. The second should be 0-3. And the third simply 1-9-8-4. But I keep mucking up the numbers. Winnie my friend even makes an appearance and tries to key it in, she then screws it up too and sits down and starts doing yoga! I think I try like 10 times to hey in a number I'm so sure I know, but keep missing the keys and hitting a wrong number and I get so frustrated that I wake up!

Any ideas whats going on in my subconscious?

5 eyebrows' raised:

Anonymous said...

due to a certain request, i'm required to mark my own attendance by leaving a comment...
requester: "Esther?"
esther: "HERE!!!" (waves frantically)

۞ D! ۞ said...

effort: A+

Anonymous said...

baboon: here!
i read your entry halfway only coz is seriously way way way too long. btw how long u sleep heh??? uve got so many dreams there hehehe

۞ D! ۞ said...

I sleep 3 hrs only!

۞ D! ۞ said...

anyone else checking in?

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