What happens when you eat my Turkish Delight without asking?

September 01, 2007


This bugger had its fill on some sweets that was left out and didn't bother to ask. So he got a smack with the local newspaper, and after feigning death under the window sill, I wasn't about to play fair! About 300ml worth of shoe cleaner up his breathing utilities later, he ain't moving anymore. Should have seen him jump around and suddenly croak. Then again, maybe I should not have left food lying around in my room. Nah....

2 eyebrows' raised:

lennie... said...

ewwww... i hope that chopstick is a disposable one. ewwww...

jimmy loves turkish delights too. keKkkee...

۞ D! ۞ said...

Why, I wiped i with a tissue and put it back in the drawer.

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