Hate is such a strong word

November 27, 2007

I seldom use the word. But a certain incident has provoked me to vent.

Derek's Top 10
1. Queue cutters
2. Computer Virus (could it be a worse day?)
3. Bad news (the worse kind)
4. No motivation
5. Wet socks
6. CD burning interrupted
7. Cleaning for persons who are capable of it themselves
8. Surprises in the toilet
9. Pimples
10.Not doing well in exams

1 eyebrows' raised:

lennie... said...

hey babe,

dont know if this wud make u feel better but i think ur list is very reasonable. i hate the above too! not to mention -

x people who tailgates when driving.

x people who takes your parking spot right before u manage to drive in.

x people who cuts in front of ur car without putting on their indicator.

- hmm... looks like driving in kk has made me a very angry little gal.

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