
November 01, 2007

Last nite I slept at 11pm, damn tired as I was at uni from 10:30am to 7:30pm. My body clock decides to wake me up at 7am.Thats cool 8 hrs ya? I laze around indulgently for another 30 or so minutes and decide to saunter to the computer. So early what to do? Well I cant stand wen the house is dirty so i cleaned the sink and do dem dishes. After that, I take a nice snooze at about 10:30. I had some pretty good lunchtime dreams. I could hear the phone ring, but I dont care, I was suppose to return a calculator, but I can do that tomolo. I finally wake up at about 1 in the afternoon. Surprisingly I'm feeling great, not great as in lets be productive. But like after a great back massage comfortable 'great'. I don't know, the feeling is so different compared to the refreshed 'enuff rest sleep', or the tired 'oversleep'. Btw, my record is still 19 hours, still cant beat you Mrs. Lee (24 hrs zomg!!!!). That girl can really tidur mati.

Another thing, why is everyone born in October?! Every week kena 50 bucks+! im declining half the invites too! this week gonna kena twice! I should be happy Im gonna have fun, but deep down inside, im hurting...hurting in the worse possible place...Happy fricken birthday!

Oh, my 2v2 rating for arena reached 1609 today! go go

one more month, kk here i come!

Edit: Sing Yee claims 18hrs, I guess thats 3rd place!

2 eyebrows' raised:

lennie... said...

actually... it was 24 hours. :S haHaa... 11pm - 11pm... There were moments in between when I opened my eyes to look at the clock, then went back to bed tho. And I finally got up at 11pm (the next night) for food and water... :)

۞ D! ۞ said...

fixed. my bad, I underestimate you.

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