Hell and back

February 03, 2008

Conquering fears is never easy. I attest to some fears never being defeated in one's lifetime. This is from a boy who is scared of water getting in his eyes up til today, even now the reflex is so strong. I think I was so scared of shampoo getting in my eyes, that I would not use shampoo if I could help it til I was 5. I still cant open my eyes under water! But I guess with my poor eyesight nowaways, I wouldnt be able to see anything anyway.

Anyway, 40 minutes to get them in.

And 3 hours to get them out. I would like to point out this was a team effort, and would like to thank all those involved, you know who you are. And a special thanks to youtube for the instructional videos and the inspiration and courage to proceed with such a tribulation.

3 eyebrows' raised:

Anonymous said...

looking gd in the contacts~ WHYYYY now then conquer ya fear.. ARGHHH.. =P

lennie... said...


۞ D! ۞ said...

tried again today.
2nd attempt: 13 minutes in and out
3rd attempt: under 1 minute.

Life is good. Just them initial hurdles suck hard.

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