Who to talk to

February 21, 2008

I guess theres things in life that happen. Sometimes its just everyday things. Other times its the most awesome thing to happen ever. Sometimes its scandalous goss and sometimes its things that just break you, and you need someone to listen.

I talk. Somethings no one should ever ever want to know, but theres a select few that come to mind that I can bear my soul.

Esther - whine, rant, scold, talk shit, waste time, moo, moon, goss, indecent talk, talk about boy stuff, etc etc.
Sherlene - goss, chat dirty, listen to her rants, facebook tagging
Ivan- call me an idiot, random shit, talk abt old friends, relationship, cooking, ego contest,
Sing Yee- even more random, relationship, other ppl on this list, jeans, blogs, weight, lilo
Alan- relationship, cars, guitar,songs,
JX - sex, lies, life
Aeron - girls, mind frame, life, music, advice
Affendy - my conscense, advice, music,
Carlos - jokes, relationships, speed metal,
Maxi- past time(even with silence), random, tv shows, goss abt others on list, talk about experiences

Thanks guys. You are the awesomest! I cant believe doing this without you all. Just wanted to let you all know. Thank you.

1 eyebrows' raised:

Anonymous said...

i am so touched sobs sobs snifffffffffffffffffffffff

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