Betty wont stop listening to modern rock

April 12, 2008

Theres a song that says you are only as happy as people think you are. Thats so messed up, cause I want to write about the sad and depressing, now that would not make me happy according to the above eh?!

Went to sin@space yesterday for msian dance party. Good bits, seeing lots of friends, drinks and moderate music. Bad bits, expectations, and clicky people. Im getting to old for this. As some of my friends said, (they are my age), if I meet a girl Im second year commerce combined with arts.

There was some nice eye candy, but none without a boyfriend or best friend looking out for them, ready to pull them away...its just a dance... heh, annoying. Plus I didnt have a wingman, so I bombed big time. I bet some people are glad to hear that.

I think I was better off sticking to my older philosophy of just sticking with the same friends and having fun rather than moving around, unfun.

The night was pretty uneventful. Im thinking this is the last party ill go to for a while.
It seemed to end in deja vu, us boys at macdonalds, jx drunk and still talking to some girls, and the rest of us arguing who would take him home this time.

left to right:

me looking very tan, foong, jx. boon and abang ve.

Joke of the day: Why do men get paid more at the sperm bank then the blood bank?
Because at the sperm bank, its hand made.

2 eyebrows' raised:

Anonymous said...

hmph your joke is quite lousy. my joke meks ur joke sounds like a lousy 1 cent.

btw I think I was better off sticking to my older philosophy of just sticking with the same friends and having fun rather than moving around, unfun. is touching

now understand why staying home is the best option? :D

lennie... said...

ur gonna laugh, but i kinda feel i've grown out of the whole clubbin thing too. of coz i'd still love a good nite out dancing, but im definitely not into making it a lifestyle.

dvd nite vs clubbin - dvd nite all the way!

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