
June 23, 2008

What are pods? Basicly its the next best thing to kit kat family block, espcially when you want a change. Seriously crunchy change. Ok so what? its just chocolate. You're right, but its got a crunchy outer layer, some white goo center, and snickers/mars chocolate layering. Best way to describe it, the botton of a cornetto cone ice cream chocolate bit, except you have 40 pods in a packet. Heavenly. Finished 2 packs myeslf over last 3 days.

Im heading over to Brisbane on Wednesday 25th until 28th when Im flying back to KK for 35 days. Yup yup, fun indeed. But first, exams! Two more papers on Tuesday!

2 eyebrows' raised:

lennie... said...

lol sing yee must've been stoked! lol or did u finish them before it ever got to her?

feefanie said...

she took them and a bottle of bacardi and i never saw her again nor my monnies.

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