
January 12, 2009

Used to raid hardcore in wow and one of our warriors used to spell "FUCOS" across the screen just as we were about to pull a boss. Really had a good laugh. If you still haven't got it yet, its focus spelled wrongly and is kinda oxymoron-ish.

"Hi, my name is Sherlene and I am committed to growing your firm"


Basically this post is to remind myself to get fucosed for the year, set up some goals and actually do them. Been pretty lax and taking things a day at a time. One thing at a time. I need an extra day to recoup after going out the whole weekend and not resting after a tiresome week before. Step 1, reach home, shower and go to sleep. Wake up at 5am and eat something and do some exercise. Kgo!

1 eyebrows' raised:

lennie... said...

heeeey..... lol

but im with u. i've been living a day at a time too. not good. need to start shifting gears!

to 2009 babe!! :) im right behind ya!

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