Kualiti, Mutu, Keunggulan

June 19, 2009

None of these apply to this post.

Me and Nanda went to Sono yesterday and had Japanese. The food was good (not the best), but the experience was good. Worth the money for a 2 hour trip to Japan.

Oh yeah, it was our 9 month anniversary. Eat that! our baby should be born right now. But Nanda says it will keep growing in her stomach. Hmmm....fishy....

Watching deathnote at the moment, up to about episode 10, gotta say, its awesome so far. Definitely worth it for anyone who sees themselves as the main character in their own storyline. Or in other words, a hate to lose egoist. Watch it. Its definitely not gay....so far.

What am I listening too now...some nice quotes from the UKtop40 i got.

" Well im sitting in the wet patch, in the middle of the bed, I feel pretty darn hard done by, i spent ages giving head..." -Its not okay, Lily Allen

" You dont need to be a high flyer....to catch your slut" - Did you see me coming, Pet Shop Boys.

"Six Eight triple 9 eight 2 1 2" Kiss me thru the phone - Soulja Boy

Cmon weekend, clocked 45 hours already this week. Im beat.

2 eyebrows' raised:

babimu said...

yes! the baby keep growing, that is why im getting fatter! hiks....hikss......

lennie... said...

nanda! alasan! :P

the jap lady passing in the pic looks like a ghost... :S

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